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At a lofty 830m high, the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. It cost $1.5 billion to build and took almost six years to finish, which is almost as long as it took us to recreate these magnificent pieces of architecture as pixel art (I joke, but seriously, it took a long […]

Board Game Hacks: Beat Your Family Every Time! - Climadoor

Updated: 1st December 2021 We all know how competitive we get when it comes to playing board games with our family. You could be having a lovely Christmas Day, lots of lovely new gifts, a nice wholesome dinner, a few glasses of bubbly, feet up on the sofa with the tin of chocolates next to […]

Hazards Around Your Home - Climadoor

The home is a dangerous place, with all types of hazards conspiring to ruin your day. We’ve put together a trusty guide of all the worst hazards so you can take steps to protect yourself and your family. Let’s have a look at the biggest things we need to watch out for.

Star Wars Family Crests - Climadoor

When it comes to Star Wars, it’s ALL about the family and the big family reveals: Darth Vader to Luke: “No, I am your father”, Leia is Luke’s sister [shock… spoiler]. Kylo Ren is Han Solo’s son and Vader’s grandson (Ben Solo) etc etc. Whilst we know some of the backstory of our characters, there […]

Life With Pets Summed Up in Hilarious Charts - Climadoor

We’re all a bit weird when it comes to our pets – it’s fine to admit it. Despite the fact you probably spend most of your time cleaning up after it, you still love it – and why wouldn’t you? They’ve got so many lovable traits, as we explore below… “You alright? Did you miss […]

The State of the Tradesman Industry - Climadoor

There is a shortage of skilled workers in Britain; from plumbers and builders to engineers. Construction and technical companies have blamed the recession for a lack of apprentices and have called on the government and schools to promote trades. Despite this, demand for workers in this area has never been higher. So, how’s the state of […]

10 Hilarious Tradesman Pranks - Climadoor

Jokes on the job are standard procedure for tradesmen during a hard day’s graft. We’ve rounded up some of the funniest safe-for-work pranks there are, so whether you’re an experienced tradesman looking for a practical joke to play, or if you’re an apprentice looking for tricks to avoid, we’ve got you covered below.       […]

How to make a den at home - Climadoor

If you’re looking for something cool to do with the kids at home, then den building is where it’s at. Invoking mystical worlds and becoming magical characters is all part of growing up, so when your little one’s shout “let’s pretend!”, you know what you have to do! Here we run through how to make […]

How to grow vegetables at home and save money - Climadoor

If you’re looking to improve your financial situation or looking to become a little more frugal and have some spare time around the house, a great way thing to consider is growing fruit and veg in the garden. This isn’t going to make you a millionaire any time soon, but it will help you to […]

How to Fireproof Your Home - Climadoor

Renovating and decorating your home is one thing, but protecting it is a whole different ball game. Fires are something that a lot of people think would only happen to other people and don’t prepare for the worst until it’s already too late. Wait! We’re not looking to scare you; just make you aware of […]

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